The training videos on this page are samples of the uses of the Rocket Point of Sale software .
Most training videos here were designed to help you with the many features of the Point of Sale. As technical questions popup from our end-users and dealers, we like to make a training video to help everyone. Many new videos will be showing up here soon, please check this page frequently. The videos on this site were recorded using Snagit 2020 on a Windows 10 Operating System PC. Your screens may look a little different on a XP-OS machine. These videos, are by no stretch of the imagination, fancy professionally produced videos but they do show you what you need to know.
If there is a POS area you would like a training video made of, please email us and we will try to get you a training video made and posted here.
Select and click on a Video Link below to explore the Rocket Point of Sale
Installing the POS from Scratch (New Install)